What is Plutonication

                    Examples in Javascript

Plutonication allows users to connect PlutoWallet to other dApps seamlessly on any platforms, accross multiple codebases. DApp just generates a QR code and once it is scanned in the wallet, they will pair and the wallet will be able to receive transaction requests from the dApp. It works on the same principle as WalletConnect protocol.

How to connect

import io from 'socket.io-client';

// Change the URL, if you want to use your own endpoint.
const socket = io("wss://plutonication.com/");

Plutonication uses Socket.IO.

To connect your to PlutonicationServer, just connect to wss://plutonication.com/ .

Plutonication is fully open-sourced. One of the benefits this brings is that you can deploy your own Plutonication Server. You do not have to rely on our infrastructure.

On connect

// Wait for the client to connect
await new Promise((resolve) => {
    socket.on("connect", () => {

Event handler that is fired whenever someone connects.

Useful for debugging.

It is fired on the client as well and it is useful getting to know that the client connected successfully to the server.

On connect_dapp

await socket.emit("connect_dapp", {
    Room: accessCredentials.key

The first event emitted by dApp.

Joins the given room.

Learn more about the concept of rooms: https://socket.io/docs/v3/rooms/


await walletSocket.emit("connect_wallet", {
    Data: pubkey,
    Room: accessCredentials.key,

The first event emitted by wallet.

Joins the given room. Submits the pubkey/address to all other clients connected in the same room.

Learn more about the concept of rooms: https://socket.io/docs/v3/rooms/

On pubkey

socket.on("pubkey", (pubkey /* string type */) => {
    console.log("Wallet public key: " + pubkey)

This event handler confirms that the wallet has successfully connected.

It also receives information about the connected wallet, including it's pubkey/address.

On dapp_connected

walletSocket.on("dapp_connected", async () => {
    await walletSocket.emit("pubkey", { Data: pubkey, Room: room })

Handles edge case when dapp connects later than the wallet.

Is also useful for handling multiple dApp connections simultaneously.

On confirm_dapp_connection

walletSocket.on("confirm_dapp_connection", () => {
    // dApp confirmed connection

await socket.emit("confirm_dapp_connection", { Room: room })

Confirms that the dApp is connected to the server and that it has received the pubkey from the wallet.

On sing_payload

await socket.emit("sign_payload", {
    Data: payloadJson, // SignerPayloadJSON type
    Room: accessCredentials.key

Event handler used by dApps. Used when requesting signature from wallet.

You can expect the wallet to emit either payload_signature event or payload_signature_rejected event.

On payload_signature

socket.on("payload_signature", (data /* SignerResult type */) => {
    const signature = data.signature
    console.log("Payload signature: " + signature)

Event handler used by wallet, when wallet decides to sign given payload.

On update

socket.on("update", (id: number, status: H256 | ISubmittableResult) => {
    // Handle the update logic

Receives an update for the extrinsic signed by a signer.sign

On payload_signature_rejected

socket.on("payload_signature_rejected", () => {
    // react to the rejection

Event handler used by wallet, when wallet decides to reject the signing of given payload.

On sign_raw

await socket.emit("sign_raw", {
    Data: rawMessage, // SignerPayloadRaw type
    Room: accessCredentials.key

Event handler used by dApps. Used when requesting signature from wallet.

You can expect the wallet to emit either raw_signature event or raw_signature_rejected event.

On raw_signature

socket.on("raw_signature", (data /* SignerResult type */) => {
    const signature = data.signature
    console.log("Raw signature: " + signature)

Event handler used by wallet, when wallet decides to sign given raw message.

On raw_signature_rejected

socket.on("raw_signature_rejected", () => {
    // react to the rejection

Event handler used by wallet, when wallet decides to reject the signing of given raw message.

On disconnect

socket.on("disconnect", () => {
    // react to the disconnection

Event handler that is fired whenever someone disconnects.